COLIN is a baby humback whale too weak to survive, marine biologists are doing their best Down Under including initiating EUTHANIZING process defending that their action IS a more HUMANE approach to wane the suffering of the baby whale.
Sitting 5000 miles far from the scene of action, however, I have strong reservation on the tactic being employed. I would like to spill a few 'ifs & buts' questions.
If man cannot stand to see nature taking its course he should refrain from taking it as his duty to take immediate action on nature's behalf. I mean if it were to die, let baby whale die a natural death at its natural hour under natural circumstances.
Modern man has become very soft-hearted and over-conscious. I call it unbalanced and disoriented. His insatiable inquisitiveness gives rise to unnecessary pins & needles for him as well as his neighboring worldings. In his environment he wishes to be available everywhere. He wants to deliver beyond extra and demands that he should be allowed to handle 'it'. Who cares who's shoes (hoofs) he is stepping on to? Who cares who's privacy curtain he is tearing apart? Nobody from within or outside can stop him from getting close and know it, feel it, judge it and act on it.
If animals were witted and spoke our language and man went knocking for their permission, no animal would give a consent ever. But, man does not pauses to ask or knock. The man supreme who stands above all! He is born to outclass every beings on this planet. He is not the one who looks up at the moon in awe. He is the one who opposes the might of the earth's gravity to pluck the moon. The supreme man who stands above all! He does not gives two hoots, he can run amok regardless of what a zebra or a fox or a eagle or a humback whale likes to think. That's the way he would like to have it. Funnily, at times, it takes just a 'word or two' from a qualified man or team to decide the matter of life & death.
In the wilderness, it is natural for wildlife to lead a precarious and edgy life. To live hard and die hard is a quite a okay thing for wild animals. If man decides to intervene in the natural order of things, only limit actions to promoting and saving life, DEFINITELY NOT TAKING LIVES.
Quick facts about Colin in case you weren't there to hear his story around third-week of Aug, 08.
- Lost whale had been trying to suckle on yacht in harbor
- Officials hoping to coax whale to sea so it can be adopted
- Bringing whale into captivity not an option since it needs to be breast fed, said experts
- Humpback whales are in the middle of their annual migration (july thru sept) from the Antarctic to tropical waters to breed and then back again